Neem (The friend of Ecosystem)

Neem is a flowering tree that has been in use for centuries. It has many beneficial properties for the health and beauty of the skin.


The benefits of neem are varied, but some of the most important ones are its ability to have a positive effect on all skin types, especially sensitive and dry skin, while being gentle and not causing any kind of allergic reaction.


As far as appearance goes, neem has been shown to help fight off acne by removing excess oils and can also help with wrinkles by tightening the pores.


Neem trees are a great source of natural medicine.
They have been used for centuries to provide relief from various ailments, both mental and physical.


The benefits of neem are available to anyone who wants to use them for their medicinal properties, but it is important that the products come from a reliable source as not all neem products are effective.



Neem is a plant. It has benefits in various aspects.


Neem is a plant that can be used for medicinal purposes. It has been around for centuries and it is still largely used in India, where it originated from. The leaves are used to make medicines and other healing products that can help with various types of problems, including skin conditions, respiratory disorders, and digestive ailments. The seeds are also edible and have health benefits as well.


Neem is a plant that can be used for medicinal, religious and cultural purposes. It is native to India, Sri Lanka and Myanmar. From ancient times neem has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for many conditions such as fever, flatulence and skin diseases.


Neem leaves are also used to make a paste that can then be applied externally in order to relieve itchiness caused by various skin conditions such as ringworm and scabies

Effect on environment

Like other trees, it also brings other environmental benefits such as  control flood, reduced soil erosion. Neem can avert environmental crisis in India and other tropical countries as it can be successfully used for rehabilitation of degraded ecosystems and waste lands

Neem is also used as a natural pesticides which enhance organic farming, this is very ecofriendly which increases the productivity  of soil, it also reduce the environmental load of these synthetic pesticides.

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