Benefits of Tulsi (Holy Basil)

Holy basil, or Tulsi for us Indians, is one of the most important herbs in Ayurveda. It has been used for centuries to treat many ailments.

In this article, we will discuss the few benefits of holy basil in detail.

1) Holy Basil Remedies Anxiety: Holy Basil helps calm nervousness and reduce anxiety by relaxing your muscles and calming you down. Studies have shown that holy basil can reduce anxiety better than conventional medicines like Valium.

2) Boosts Immunity: The immune system is often referred to as our body's natural defense system against diseases and sicknesses that we may contract when interacting with other people or animals, such as colds or the flu. Holy basil boosts immunity by stimulating our white blood cell count which then protects us against many different infections including colds, flu and many other illnesses which would usually be contracted from close contact with others.

Holy basil is a herb very popular in Ayurveda, natural remedies, and in the culinary world for its unique taste and aromatic fragrance. It is a plant related to both the mint and the basil families and is native to Asia from India all the way to China.

It has also been found to have a number of health benefits such as being an adaptogenic herb that helps with stress, anxiety, fatigue and immune system function.

Holy Basil is listed as both a herb and a spice on Wikipedia.

According to Ayurveda, the ancient Indian medicinal system, holy basil leaves are considered herbaceous and are used to treat everything from colds to coughs. It is also used in Thai cuisine as a key ingredient in certain curries.

There are many medicinal benefits of the holy basil, which include fighting bacterial infections, lowering cholesterol levels and high blood pressure levels.

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